Sunday 29 January 2012

History callling

While I was following my heart and getting immersed in the beauty of Nature, something strange was slowly happening. And it was so unpredictable.

I was slowly overcoming many mental barriers, going out in groups with meagre budget and with sole motive of photography. I would call them mental barriers, may be I am wrong. I would put this way. From early days I was accustomed to a certain life style which I broken down for following my Passion. It sounds so trivial now, years after coming out of the habit.

It sounds weird and philosophical, but it is true that such habits are the barriers to a human mind and restricts it from blooming. Afterall what can be better than following your heart. From a typical urban life style (thats to put it very soberly) I went upto sleeping under the open sky.

Anyway the strange thing what was happening inside me was like this.... I went to Kanchipuram for shooting as at that point of time I was getting impatient not having opportunities to shoot nature for  a couple of weekends. Little did I know that History would attract me so much so that my nightmares ( I really used to have in my school days) of History will be replaced by a kind of obsession.

I still remember that visit when I was trying to figure out how a temple can be framed and made interesting. However one image of my first visit came out so well that it made many appearences in National & International Salons many times in addition to getting published in magazines.

Lost In Prayer

Many times I was asked whether I knew the lady and she posed for me. In reality it was shot in the middle of the day and this young girl was absolutely on her own. The ambience... soft light, the devotional posture and the sculpture all together have made the magic and people loved it.


Talking of Devotion, I have another
favourite image from my subsequent visit to Kanchipuram. Although Silhouette, this is very close to my heart and to me it depicts devotion of a human to God.

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