Saturday 28 January 2012

Life changes

Quickly enough, I became addicted to Photography, but more correctly the nature. However I beleive that every human being has a natural love for nature, afterall we are all part of Nature only.

My life took a new turn, as I was mentioning, my family and all other priorities took backseat. Only my Company where I work for earning the livelihood, remained firmly in the No. 1 position of my priority list. I never let myself drift a mm. from my commitment to my employer.

But whatever time I could manage after my office hours, I devoted every second of that to my Passion. half a trips to nearby Bird Snactuaries graduated to full day trips to far away Birding spots. From Tamilnadu spots, I started moving to the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh. The Birds truly charmed me by their beauty.

I visited the Sanctuaries, Marsh lands, Backwaters, Scrub forests etc. etc. While I was doing this, I was quite enjoying the complete experience.

Waking up early, driving hundreds of Km. to reach the spot with the first rays of sunshine, getting down on mud, climbing up on trees etc. etc.

At an age of 40+ I consider myself real lucky to get many good friends who guided me in the initial period.

Those days I would go for shooting almost all the Sundays and then process the images upto late night throughout the week and all my domestic responsibilities will be taken care of by my wife.

I was enjoying this so much that I completely forgot the void I was feeling just a few months back.


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